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Ever Deane

Vegan Pregnancy Update {Week 29}

Vegan Pregnancy Update {28 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {27 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {26 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {25 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {24 Weeks}  Vegan Pregnancy Update {23 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {22 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {21 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {20 Weeks}  Vegan Pregnancy Update {19 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {18 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {17 Weeks}

How Far Along: 29 weeks 5 days

Baby’s Size: 2½ lbs, and about 15.75 in head to toe. Food comparison – Butternut squash. Ah nu-nu, hope you aren’t squashed in there though!

Gender: Daniel wanted a boy for a long time and then loved the idea of having a girl, but now he’s pretending it’s a boy so that he’s not surprised either way. Haha, baby is playing with our minds.

Weight gain: Two weeks ago it was 20lbs (9kgs) so I’m guessing quite a bit more than that now. My thigh gap is totally gone.

Baby bump: The area around my belly button is blue! You read it correctly, blue. I guess the skin is really thin so you can see the veins more easily but it’s a little freaky.

Movement: Baby has been kicking me in the same place (under my right ribs) for the last three days. I have to lie down on the opposite side to try move baby and give my ribs some peace and quiet. It hurts! I can definitely feel baby is on a more regular schedule sleeping for like 40-50 min then waking up for some kicks and tumble turns. There are some times when the front part of my tummy gets so hard. I thought it was baby’s head or body pressing up against my tummy but my mom said it could be Braxton Hicks? It’s not painful or anything, just tight. Mmmmm.

Exercise: I’ll be honest, keeping up with the power yoga flows is getting tricky. I definitely skip chaturangas as the flow progresses and keep sipping on my water, but I still love it. If it weren’t for yoga, I don’t think I’d be able to shave my own legs at this point 😉

Clothing: I’m looking for recommendations for stores where I can buy a pretty dress to wear to my baby shower next month. Keeping in mind that so far I have bought clothes from Target, Marshalls and Old Navy. I need a bargain guys. What other stores have maternity sections? I’m done sizing up, I need full on maternity now.

How I’m feeling: My skin cleared up and I am feeling the glow again. Side note – I wrote this on Thursday morning, and by Thursday night I had a small red pimple on my chin. What?) Besides the fact that I feel like I’ve been repeatedly punched (or literally kicked) on the right side, I’m feeling great. I definitely feel the urge to nap in the afternoons if I have a busy day, but have pushed through to the evening and now just go to bed early. I’m trying not to wish away these weeks but enjoy the time with Daniel to myself.


  1. Cravings- Dr. Pepper. This craving has hit me before. I don’t know what it is about those super sugary fizzy drinks, but I am trying my best not to go there.

  2. Aversions- Still the same: Sundried tomatoes, peanut sauce, stirfry, curry, and meat smells. I just can’t. Still.

What I miss:

  1. Sleeping on my tummy and back (still my number one miss!)(I’m not changing this…ever)

  2. Not crying over silly things

Nursery: The pull-up/ballet bar came this week but we are still waiting for the mirror. After I buy a rug and some cushions, our little corner area will be all cute and complete.

Baby Purchases: I didn’t have to buy anything this week because some incredible ladies from Church (including my mom and aunt) showered baby and I with gifts, wisdom and prayer. They are all so much fun and I know baby will learn so much from them. Thanks again ladies!

So grateful to these experienced and generous mamas!

Hubby: Daniel and I had a good time learning how to change diapers, swaddle and soothe babies at our newborn classes last weekend. During one of the videos in the breastfeeding class he turned to me and said, “I’ve seen a lot more boobs than I expected to today!” Haha. He is great about sleeping on a tiny corner of the bed since my pillows take up most of the space. He is enjoying going hiking, camping and playing golf before taking time off for baby and I.

“Caring for a Newborn” and “Breastfeeding” classes at Baby + Co.

Can’t wait for: This weekend is my second to last yoga teacher training weekend, and I can’t wait to finish my assisting hours. I have 4 hours left so that’s only 4 classes. It’s been a huge learning curve for me and has taken me out of my comfort zone. Thinking about what other people are thinking about turns out not to be much help at all. I tend to want to be perfect at things before I do them, which is very unrealistic, so I’m working on just learning as I go, and being ok with that. Come try a class at Y2 Yoga and I’ll stretch you out!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Till next week,

Read next week’s post: Vegan Pregnancy Update {30 Weeks}

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.

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