Vegan Pregnancy Update {30 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {29 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {28 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {27 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {26 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {25 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {24 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {23 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {22 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {21 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {20 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {19 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {18 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {17 Weeks}
How Far Along: 31 weeks 5 days
Size: 3 lbs, and about 16 inches head to toe. Food comparison – Coconut, what?? That’s nuts! hehe
Gender: At the PGA Championship practice round on Tuesday, two ladies guessed it’s a girl based on the fact that from the back I don’t look pregnant.
Weight gain: Last week it was 22lbs (About 10kgs)
Baby bump: My baby bump got some sun this past weekend in Hilton Head. I did indeed dig a hole in the sand so I could try to lie on my stomach. It was not as comfortable as I had hoped it would be. I think I just took a Boomerang and then went back into the water. Floating in the cool ocean was a dream! Take me back.
September 2016 – August 2017
Movement: Baby is definitely moving around more than ever before. I’m still having Braxton Hicks everyday, but there is no pattern as far as I can tell. Some days I have more than others. Two nights this week I have also felt a very sharp pain in my lower abdomen, as if baby shook his/her head side to side. I was shocked at the quick flash of pain. I suddenly realized I might be crying for an epidural when it comes down to it. I’m ok with that.
We came back from the beach and went to the practice round for the PGA Championship at Quail Hollow. I had a rough day, I was very uncomfortable. I knew it was going to be a lot of walking but I couldn’t do nearly as much as I thought. Daniel was so patient and supportive. I got to see Justin Bieber and he got a photo with Louis Oosthuizen so we were pretty happy.
Exercise: Walks on the beach, walking the golf course and teaching my first yoga class with my friends kept me moving this week. I also finished my assisting and observation hours for my yoga teacher training, so I am ready to “graduate” this weekend!
How I’m feeling: This week has been rough. My tummy has been feeling really heavy and tight and I was fed up with baby kicking in the same spot (my right ribs). I spent most of Wednesday hydrating and even took a long nap, something I haven’t been doing.
Cravings- Cheese (again)
Aversions- Still the same: Sundried tomatoes, peanut sauce, stirfry, curry, and meat smells. I just can’t. Still.
Food: Here are some things I ate this week at the beach (we made a lot of our own food) and the only vegan option at the PGA Championship practice round.
What I miss:
Sleeping on my tummy and back (still my number one miss!)(I’m not changing this…ever)
Wearing flowy tops. I basically look like I’m wearing a tent, so I just stick to my 6 tight tank tops.
Nursery: We didn’t do anything this week. But we still love going in there and letting out a big sigh.
Baby Purchases: At the PGA Championship we stopped by the Merchandise tent. You can’t miss it, I bet you can even see it from space! We bought baby an autographed golf book called, “The ABC’s of golf,” by Susan Greene. It’s so cute.
Can’t wait for: We have another ultrasound next week Tuesday and I can’t wait to see our little (not so little) one again. I also can’t wait to finish yoga teacher training this weekend. It’s been an amazing experience but I’m getting really tired. My girl Ensley is also finishing up her yoga teacher training so watch out for some yoga posts to come.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Till next week,
Read next week’s post: Vegan Pregnancy Update {32 weeks}