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Ever Deane

Vegan Pregnancy Update {Week 33}

Vegan Pregnancy Update {32 weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {31 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {30 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {29 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {28 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {27 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {26 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {25 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {24 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {23 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {22 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {21 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {20 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {19 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {18 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {17 Weeks}

Embracing a more natural look after reading Ensley’s post here. No foundation, blush, or eye shadow – only mascara for my lovely blond lashes.

Choosing between this dress and another one for my shower tomorrow. I wish I could afford both but alas.

How Far Along: 33 weeks 5 days

Size: Baby is probably almost 5 lbs, and is about 17.5 inches head to toe. Food comparison – Pineapple.

Gender: Is it silly that one of the reasons I’d be thrilled with a boy is that I still want to be Daniel’s only girl? Hehe.

Weight gain: 24+lbs (10.8+kgs)

Baby bump: I’m still amazed at how much this belly is growing. I give myself a fright every time I see myself in the mirror. It was a little itchy the other day but it didn’t last long. A friend at yoga training said her belly got very itchy towards the end. Anyone else?

Movement: My little rib kicker is still keeping me company. Can’t wait to see baby move once he/she is born and see if I can recognize any of the movements that I’ve felt while baby has been inside.

Exercise: We went down to Columbia, SC for the eclipse this weekend and took a hot, sweaty walk before sitting in the sun for the next 3 hours. Why didn’t I think that through properly? I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to Fall! It was well worth it thought, to see such a special event with my cousins and their three children.

Cousin time at CIU, SC for the eclipse!

There were two eclipses on Monday 😉 One tired, sweaty mama.

How I’m feeling: I have acid reflux like never before and my ankles look like elephant’s feet. I literally iced my feet before going to bed this week to try get some of the swelling down. Going outside in this heat is detrimental to my health these days.


  1. Cravings- Mac ‘n Cheese. That comfort food again.

  2. Aversions- Still the same: Sundried tomatoes, peanut sauce, stirfry, curry, and meat smells. I just can’t. Still.

What I miss:

  1. Sleeping on my tummy and back (still my number one miss!)(I’m not changing this…ever)

  2. Going up a flight of stairs without panting like I’ve run a marathon.

Food: We made falafels over the weekend and I had forgotten how much I enjoy them! Check out the recipe here. We took some vegan sushi, potato chips and fruit for an eclipse picnic on Monday. I’m thinking I need to start making some meals and freezing them for when baby arrives?

Nursery: Daniel put up the acrylic mirror but broke the hinge for the pull-up bar by mistake, so a new one is on the way. Can’t wait to see our little one looking in the mirror and pulling him/herself up on the bar. (Later, much later)

Baby Purchases: I got some incredibly cute outfits from my friend Lizanne and her family in Florida. I washed everything that I have so far and I just can’t wait to dress baby in them!!! I also got two books from my cousin Trudy, and a package from my friend Heather who has a two week old baby girl. Thanks so much ladies! I bought a boring basket to put on the dresser for miscellaneous creams and things for changing baby.

I’m dying, these are so cute! Which is your favorite?

So spoilt!

Can’t wait for: My baby shower tomorrow! I am already so grateful to all my friends for planning such a special event for me. It feels so surreal to be planning and preparing for the arrival of our little one. We can’t imagine our lives with a baby but I know in a couple weeks we won’t be able to imagine our lives without him/her.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Till next week,

Read next week’s post: Vegan Pregnancy Update {34 Weeks}

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.

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