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Ever Deane

Vegan Pregnancy Update {Week 36}

Vegan Pregnancy Update {35 weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {34 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {33 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {32 weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {31 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {30 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {29 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {28 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {27 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {26 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {25 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {24 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {23 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {22 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {21 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {20 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {19 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {18 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {17 Weeks}

How Far Along: 36 weeks 5 days

Size: Baby is about 6 lbs (almost my weight at birth! 2.9kg or 6.3 lbs…What???), and is about 18 or 19 inches head to toe. Food comparison – As long as a head of romaine lettuce.

Weight gain: 27.7 lbs (1.7 lbs gain from last week…wow!)

Gender: Daniel wants to call out, “It’s a girl!” or “It’s a boy!” when baby enters the world. How sweet is that? I’ve written that in my birth plan that I’m still working on. It’s only 12 bullet points so far, simple and sweet.

Baby bump: Sunday and Monday were tough days for baby bump. It felt like there was so much pressure (maybe the storm coming through?) on my belly and baby was not happy that space was so limited. At my appointment yesterday the Midwife asked me if I could breathe a little easier since baby had dropped pretty low. I hadn’t noticed actually, but went home and could clearly see how low baby is now!

Movement: Baby has some strong legs in there! Daniel likes to think baby is practicing his/her soccer goal scoring skills…on my ribs though. Humpf. Baby moves and makes my tummy the most weird shapes with elbows poking on one side and a back or bum pushing on the other!

Exercise: While my mom was in SA, Daniel and I stayed with my step-dad in Matthews who is recovering from knee surgery. I have loved the cooler weather in the mornings and evenings to go for walks. Their neighborhood is so pretty and peaceful. My yoga is now merely stretching before bed, making sure my head doesn’t go below my waist or else the reflux burns. That isn’t fun.

How I’m feeling: This week was pretty tough. The Birth Journey class on Saturday was amazing but very overwhelming. If you saw me at Church on Sunday, I was on the brink of tears the whole time. On Sunday and Monday I was in a serious funk. My tummy was very uncomfortable and I was sooooo tired. I didn’t have a lot going on this week and so I felt a little sorry for myself. Scratch that, very sorry for myself. I thrive on interaction with people so I need to remember to try schedule a couple things a week to keep me busy and connected. Tea anyone? 😉

Birth Journey Class…9am, looking fresh!

After the class – 5:30pm…dead.


  1. Cravings- None! I had a great food week!

  2. Aversions- Just sundried tomatoes, peanut sauce, and curry. Must be nearing the end!

What I miss:

  1. Sleeping on my tummy and back (still my number one miss!)(I’m not changing this…ever)

  2. Sleeping with just one pillow. 

Current sleeping/pillow situation. Sorry Daniel.

Food: Some things I ate this week –

  1. Salad (Lots of salad)

  2. Veggie Lasagne (For like 3 days lol)

  3. Avocado, Spinach, Hummus Panini (From Sunflower Bakery…love!)

  4. Museli (Every morning)

  5. PBJ

  6. Torfurkey sandwich

  7. Sushi (New Zealand Cafe for the win)

  8. Granola bars

  9. Fruit

Nursery: We are pretty much done with nursery “1.0.” As baby becomes mobile we will get the safety gate for the door (since the baby will be free to move around the room) and the rug and pillows for a reading corner. Oh yes, we need a baby monitor!

Baby Purchases: No need to purchase anything this week because we were showered with wonderful gifts (again!), although I did buy a set of three cute pants. I really can’t help myself. So many people came to celebrate our little one at Daniel’s work shower on Friday last week. We are so grateful for all the kind wishes, advice and gifts.

Bean’s vegan cake…nom, nom, nom!

Thank you everyone!

On another note, we tested out the car seat and don’t really like the way it connects to the base. There is quite a bit of wiggle room. We are going to try a different base, but if it still doesn’t fit snugly, we might have to start again on the travel system search. Oh dear. We are cutting it fine!

Can’t wait for: Our Infant safety and CPR class on Saturday. I almost couldn’t register for a class until way after my due date they are so full! Luckily they squeezed us in this weekend uptown. Throughout my Mom’s life she has been a Paramedic, Midwife, Nurse and CPR instructor (on top of being an amazing Mom) and so I’ve practiced CPR on her dolls but I’m excited to get a refresher.

On the hunt for a Pediatrician this week. Wow, parenting is a lot of work already! I know…”Just wait!” you’ll say. But I’ve also heard it’s all worth it.

Till next week,

Read next week’s post: Vegan Pregnancy Update {37 weeks}

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.

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