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2023 my best year yet!

Ever Deane

2023 started with a stark realization (at a party on New Year's Eve!) that if nothing changed----- nothing was going to change.

I decided my mantra for the year was going to be "let go, and dive in."

I was in conversation with a wellness babe on IG and I decided NOW IS THE BEST TIME EVER to start creating a life that I love for my family and I. Now was the best time to stop letting life happen TO ME, but to learn to wake up each morning, in charge of how I would feel and act.

I was thinking this morning as I wrote the quickest note in my "Make your morning great journal" that I'm so grateful my kids are getting the best version of me I could hope for! I'm not perfect by any means- I literally said this morning as I walked half naked to go stop my two from eating each other alive "Can't I get dressed without having to come separate you two?!" So I'm no saint. But the difference is, this year I am growing, healing, I'm evolving and working on myself more than ever before.

I used to think that self-care and self-help were selfish. Weird, right? But now, especially as a mom, I see that taking care of myself and going on this never ending growing and transformation journey, I am showing my kids we aren't ever "finished" with our life learning. We can always be 1% better than the day before.

So, I said YES to the invitation to collaborate with The Healthstyle Emporium. I said yes to earning another income alongside my part time job as a teacher assistant. I said yes to a community of like minded women and men who lift me up every single day! I'm working on the best version of myself my kids have ever seen and I'm just getting started!

Here are some things that have really been important to me:

1) Creating a vision board and figuring out my highest values. I can't believe this year was the first time I created a vision board (on Canva!). I used some pictures from my camera roll and some from Canva for inspo and I have already ticked off so many of the things I wanted to do this year. Some I still have not prioritized, so need to have another visit of my goals (like learning French) and see where i can prioritize them through the week.

2) Putting something positive in my ears every day (so late to the podcast trend but here we are) What are some of your favorite podcasts to listen to? I need some motivational recommendations please!

3) Positive Affirmations - the more I read about the brain the more excited I am to unlearn all my limiting beliefs and replace it with positivity and discipline. My favorite being "I create the atmosphere in my home- it is calm and joyful and full of love" Do you do positive affirmations? I'd love to hear yours! Comment/reply back to this saying "Daily Affirmations" and I'll send you my top ten affirmations for mums!

4) Letting go- I have always acted in a certain way MY WHOLE LIFE and I realized over a couple years that I needed a break. There is huge pressure for me to stay the way I was, but I'm letting go and I am excited to have my heart and mind open to so many new perspectives

5) Moving my body- this is THE best stress reliever for me as a mom and I make time almost every single day to do something to move my body- preferably outdoors! It's looked like walks, stretching, yoga, CrossFit, tennis, golf, scooter rides, bike rides and garden soccer. I'm doing a 6 week Global Glow Up Challenge that's in The Healthstyle Emporium's online holistic health and wellness platform and its been incredible. I've learned a lot about consistency and that I was not doing enough of the right workouts in a week to see results. Let me know if you want more info about joining us in the challenge!

6) Nutrition. I have leveled up my nutrition this year, done lunch planning and prep and have upped my protein intake to match my strength goals. I started introducing meat back into my diet and am following a food freedom lifestyle where I don't cut anything out but focus on eating in moderation, with mindfulness because I do have a habit of scoffing down chocolate when things get hard with the kids and I'm working on trying to manage my frustration other ways, like walking outside for a breath of fresh air when I start to feel frustrated. Or doing a dance party!!! Who else feels better when a good song comes on?

7) Community. Have you heard the saying something like "you're the 5 people around you?" So if you're around 5 smokers, you're the 6th . If you are around 5 complainers, you're the 6th. If you are around 5 fit people, you are the 6th. If you are around 5 positive people, you're the 6th so make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who are encouraging you to be better, do better and that way you can be a positive impact on others who need to raise their vibrations as well. The friends I have met and made this year are a special group and I'm forever grateful for the connections I continue to make in Perth and around the world.

8) Try new things. I am often skeptical about the latest trends and sometimes wait and see how it goes for other people but this year my motto is "YES" and I'm trying a few new things that have taken me out of my comfort zone. The first has been cold showers which I do after workouts. It's baby steps towards cold plunges, which I've done in my pool twice. I think breaking down big goals into smaller steps have been very helpful! My personality wants to avoid pain (ie- cold) so it's been a good test to teach my body that I can do hard things and about controlling my breath.

Joining The Healthstyle Emporium to earn a smart second income and sharing about health and wellness online and in personal conversations have been very out of my comfort zone but I have learned so much, and gained so much I'm so grateful for saying yes to this incredible community.

Some beautiful ladies have put together a video about what we do and how we impact lives in the health and wellness space, if you are interested in watching that, please reply "HSE" to this email or comment "HSE" below and I will send you the link to the inspiring video. What if this could be for you?

For a sneak peek, check out

How has this year gone for you? Are there any things I've mentioned that you are doing as well?

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.


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