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Ever Deane

Vegan Pregnancy Update {Week 20}

How Far Along: 20 weeks 5 days – Half way!

Size: About 10oz and 6½ inches long – head to rump (10 inches head to toe).  Wow!  Food comparison – Banana. Hope my baby isn’t that skinny though!

Weight gain: I don’t actually own a scale. Last week I was weighed (for life insurance) but this week I don’t know, sorry!

Gender: It felt like a boy this week, but the 19 weeks before I thought it was a girl 😉 We are waiting till he/she arrives to officially find out.

Baby bump: It’s my absolute favorite. I love seeing my tummy grow. I proudly show it off to anyone who will notice. Funny enough, not everyone is as interested in my pregnancy than I am?

Movement: I can proudly say that baby is moving in there! I can definitely tell the difference between my body making noise and baby saying hello. Daniel was able to feel baby move on Wednesday and Thursday night –it was so special! Keep up the kickin’ little one.

Sleep: I have the double pillow system (one on each side) working pretty well for me and I am much more comfortable now. I have also started to drink a little less before bed and this has helped me to wake up between 4:30 and 5:30am instead of 3:00am. It’s the little wins people.

Exercise: So the rain made me very lazy this week. I did two flows and one walk on the greenway. So much for my exercise plan.

Clothing: I’m still using the Maebands and Bebands on my jeans though I’m not sure how much longer I can keep it up. I might be trying some maternity jeans soon! I just hate those big beige bands though, and I don’t like tight things on my tummy right now.

How I’m feeling: Honestly, week 20 has been the best! I am feeling a glow and am in good spirits. I pray, sing and talk to baby everyday.


  1. Cravings- None this week!

  2. Aversions- Still the same: Sundried tomatoes, peanut sauce, stirfry, curry, and meat smells

What I miss:

  1. Lying/sleeping on my tummy and back (still my number one miss!)

  2. Red wine

Nursery: Thanks to a friend, Gillian, I have a floor mattress for our Montessori style nursery! And sadly, that’s as far as I got this week. I did spend hours looking at cotton area rugs and mattress sheets online but I couldn’t make up my mind on colors. I’m not in stress mode though. There’s still time.

Baby Purchases: I’ve been looking for a baby memory/keepsake book for a while now, and I finally found one I like from Pottery Barn Kids. It is so cute and I’ve started filling it out. Ok, I’ve done one page. I’ve become a lot worse at following through with tasks lately!

Hubby: Daniel was so excited to feel baby kick. I was surprised he could feel it, but it was a good shove – guess baby has Daniel’s soccer scoring skills already.

Best part of the week: The moving and shaking!

Can’t wait for: Three whole days with my gorgeous hubby this weekend. I’ve actually been a little more clingy (emotionally dependent?) lately. I like to be with him as much as I can. I’ll keep the crazy to a minimum though.

Unwarranted pregnancy/parenting advice: I’ve decided to add this now that I am noticeably pregnant and people clearly have something to say about this. I had my upper lip threaded this week (hairy girl problems) and the lady asked me if I had morning sickness. I said not at the moment but from week 7-14 I had really bad all-day nausea. She looked at me funny and said, “So how far along are you?” to which I replied, “20 weeks.” She was shocked and said I am definitely too small. She asked if there was anyone to cook for me, besides my husband. I told her my mom lived near by, and she proceeded to order me to go and live with her so she can fatten me up.

Oh and for some reason I feel like this is only the beginning!

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.

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